sorry about my absense from the blog, i was distracted by the summer sunshine. Dang summer, it gets me off task in a good way.
So the Conklins are having a kid. which is pretty crazy and a big deal and overwhelming and humbling. but in the months of pregnancy that i have experienced so far, i have gotten so much help which is amazing... a full wardrobe of maternity hand me downs, a ton of used baby gear, a dozen baby how-to books (which is pretty overwhelming but awesome), and more words of advice than i know what to do with but are necessary because i am so clueless. All this to say that having people around that care about you and help you when you are in a place where you don't really have any idea what you are doing is amazing. This is the first time in my life where i have welcomed this kind of help and advice and i am not trying to do it all on my own, and i have to say its pretty freeing.
But all this to say, is when i am on the other side of the fence, i will pay all those new moms back with all that has been given to me. and i will be well equipped with all that has been bestowed upon me. or i will at least try.
a special thanks to my team of baby and pregnancy gurus: angie hairgrove, becky donaldson, lauren tate, kristin chadwick, emily okie, amanda phillips, lauren scott, denise flanders, christy meyers, jennifer fisher and of course my mom.
Next: Give.
aw- everyone needs a little sniffle before dinner....
Ivy and this Daddy making sure that we are going to take a fall trip or winter to Charlotte- or whenever you guys are ready. Jon calls it, getting your "baby legs."
Man- isn't it so awesome how much sharing goes on with the babies involved? My friend Brandi told me, "Every baby brings a loaf of bread with 'em"!
Namaste, Kelstar - thinking about you every day! Ivy has some shoes for you guys and she says, "MMMMMMmmmmmmAH!"