So why not just do this simple, and simply count your blessings for a day. so that's what i did.
1. a warm bed and a morning kiss from my hubby.
2. pb&j on wholesome wholewheat bread with a banana on the side for breakfast. heaven.
3. No radiation in my food. Praying for Japan.
4. Didn't rain on my head to and from my car.
5. My mom loves me and emails me to make sure things are going pretty good during the
6. A coupon for free lunch = yummy grilled chicken salad.
7. A great team of people who have my back at work. love them.
8. No traffic on 85!
9. A great run with a great friend in the mist. and our legs made it 50 minutes!
10. Qdoba naked burrito treat. Mexican food is always a blessing.
11. A warm home with wifi to come home to.
12. Clean water out of the tap that i can rehydrate with.
13. A warm bed and a good book and a cup of tea to keep me company on my way to
sweet sleep.
Counting your blessings makes you feel pretty blessed. even on just a normal thursday. maybe you should try it on a normal friday tomorrow.
Next... Task 7: Share your love.
Nice! Good idea.